i-Arose wishes all readers a Happy and prosperous 2021
2020 has seen lots of turbulences; from BREXIT transition to the actual BREXIT, teenage people acting as if they are all knowing, and can save the world, the usual natural catastrophes and our all personal tragedies and success stories.
Religion has been pushing in their usual manner again, trying to conquer new grounds in totally culture alien fields, praying for things science can only solve, and fooling people again on one hand, yet getting again thousands of people to leave their subscription with those organizations.
We have observed the end of an American presidential term coming to an end, and also the start of the last months of the German Chancellorship. We are seeing a world dividing and more and more between people who are awake, and the others who are just followers of the main stream.
A new year lies ahead, and we are exited to see what in in for us, as human race.
Let us all appreciate our time we have, take care of our health, and look after the ones we care for.
Your i-ARose writer team
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